Dear Jericho,

Were I to hypothetically book a Tarot reading, would you consider allowing me to record the experience to post on Curiosophy Now?

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It’s been an AuDHD burnout kind of day, so I came to Substack for some self-soothing reading time. I’m on Kumeyaay land working for a giant corporation that seems hellbent on ignoring the signs of the apocalypse all around us.

We could be shoring up supplies, organizing and educating, learning how to live frugally and simply, and teaching our customers how to do the same, but leadership is just fixated on next quarter’s earning reports.

My attempt at unmasking at work and inviting conversations about our responsibilities as stewards of the Earth has not earned me any favors. It seems naive now that I mention it.

It’s been lonely the last couple of years trying to figure out how to be a a bridge to the next century, to be a changemaker in my little corner of the world.

I’m grateful you’re out there fighting the good fight to decolonize and unmask, too, Jericho. Looking forward to following your journey.

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The handwriting! I may have gone through three changes throughout high school, and remember the "pivoting points", too! I think I am now back to the one I started with when I first learned how to write.

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